With the vision and long-term development strategy of Mai Vinh rubber company on sustainable focuses on sustainable production of the rubber industry in particular and on Vietnamese agricultural product in general. Mai vinh company, with its strategy of protecting the rights of rubber smallholder, has decided to participate in implementing the European Union’s deforestation regulatons ( EUDR ) On 08/11/2023, Mai Vinh attended the Wesbinar held by GPNSR about the awareness and vision of EUDR
After many months of the preparing data on rubber gardens, on February 26, 2024. Mai vinh rubber company together with COM Group organized meeting to exchange information with smallholders. At the meeting, the benefits of participating in the European Union’s deforestation regulations ( EUDR ) were disseminated. With the determination to bring Vietnam’s rubber industry to new heights, Mai Vinh Rubber Production Trading Service Company Limited has been continuing to implement new regulations of the EU. The company has developed an organic rubber plantation ( USDA-NOP ).